Avgolemono (Creamy Greek Lemon Chicken Soup)

Avgolemono (Creamy Greek Lemon Chicken Soup)

Avgolemono is actually the name of a dairy-free, rich, egg and lemon sauce used for a variety of dishes. This is the delicious soup version of it. I chose to share this recipe with you as it utilizes chicken carcasses.

Instant Pot Chicken and Shrimp Pho - 3 Meals, 1 Chicken

Instant Pot Chicken and Shrimp Pho - 3 Meals, 1 Chicken

I’ll show you how to make a broth infused with those classic Vietnamese pho flavours you love using the trendy Instant Pot. Please don’t hold me to the fire on this one, I know that it isn’t traditional to pressure cook the ingredients for a classic pho but trust me, this’ll curb your cravings. PLUS you get to use up that left over chicken carcass you’ve kept in your freezer after roasting a whole chicken.

Chicken Meatballs with Creamy Leek Sauce

Chicken Meatballs with Creamy Leek Sauce

I found out about this flavour combination from America’s Test Kitchen one pot cookbook and adapted it for my paleo clients. It’s one that I got so used to cooking for them I forgot that it was one worth sharing!

How to Support Local Businesses & COVID Shopping Tips

Today is National Takeout Day so I thought I’d write a bit about supporting local businesses during this time of physical distancing.

Wherever you’re living right now, there are businesses near you doing their best to innovate. It’s kind of interesting because we’re almost forced to reexamine our eating habits when all restaurants and bars are closed. It’s also interesting how grocery shopping habits have changed as well.

But you know that already.. what can you do about it to feel like you’re living your life normally?