
Beer Can Chicken and Baked Potatoes in the Pressure cooker

Beer Can Chicken and Baked Potatoes in the Pressure cooker

I first heard of beer butt chicken on a beer can chicken stand through a friend’s mom of mine. The concept was fun and intriguing. Chicken can notoriously dry out, especially on the barbecue. Infusing the chicken with beer as it cooks is a great way to impart flavour and moisture. Making the chicken in the Instant Pot along with some baked potatoes makes a great quick one-pot dinner when you’re craving a summer BBQ when it’s too cold outside.

Beer Poached Sausages & Sweet and Sour Cabbage

Beer Poached Sausages & Sweet and Sour Cabbage

One of my favourite vegetables to have on hand in the fridge is the humble cabbage. You can cut off wedges at a time and make a fresh salad, or you can take a red cabbage and make this tender, warm sweet and sour cabbage! This pairs perfectly with chicken sausages poached in hoppy beer.

Maple Chicken Breakfast Sausages

Maple Chicken Breakfast Sausages

My husband is going to try the Autoimmune Protocol Diet to slowly wean off his Ulcerative Colitis medication. With that comes an elimination of eggs (among other things). For this change in our breakfast routine, I reach for another client favourite, my Breakfast Chicken Sausages.