How to Make Vegetarian Sushi

I'm writing this while listening to the new Fevers album. For those of you who don't know, they're a live indie electro rock pop outfit from Ottawa, my home base. Nothing gets me more excited than seeing electronic music produced, manipulated and executed live. They're one of them! I'm thrilled that they're out with their new album, Apologia. GET IT. #NOTSPONSORED - heh.

It's also that time of year again, too - Bluesfest! As some you long time followers know, I have attended this festival annually and have had the pleasure to talk about all of my own local music and gluten free festival food findings. This year is no different and on TOP of that, I get to see FEVERS AGAIN!

This excitement is not contrived.. I used to perform my in my own indie electro situation called Ennuie. We were more depressing though (check out our youtube channel for ancient relics of online video quality). So seeing an Ottawa band like Fevers kill it gives me hope for our little Ottawa world.

To honour RBC Bluesfest Fevers / LCD Soundsystem concert day spectacular (Wednesday July 12th, 2017 y'all), I'm posting my recipe AND interview with Fevers from my show Eva Bee's Jamboree from back in the day. Enjoy (and see recipe below). And if you're like me and hate overly expensive festival food, make this and pack yourself a cute picnic!

Vegetarian Sushi
serves a bunch of people or yourself for lunches and festival picnics

Sushi Rice
(adapted from The Ballymaloe Cookery School)

3 1/3 cups sushi rice
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp salt

Rinse rice in 10 changes of water until the water runs clear. Drain and set aside to soak for 1hr. Place rice in a pot and add enough water to cover with 1/2" of water.
Bring to a boil on high heat, covered. Once the water is boiling, set a timer for 2 minutes. Reduce heat to medium, then set a timer for 5 minutes.
Reduce heat to low, then set a timer for 15 minutes or until all of the water has been absorbed.
Note that it is best to only take the lid off to check until the last minute possible or else you're run the risk of cooking the rice incorrectly.
Place rice immediately into a wide bowl to allow the heat to escape.
Mix remaining rice ingredients together in a small bowl. Fold in mixture of ingredients gently into rice with a wooden spoon.
Keep a towel on top of the rice as you prepare sushi.

Best Damn Tofu Recipe
1 lb tofu block, cut into 9 slices
1/4 cup tamari
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp ground ginger
3 tbsp sunflower oil
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Preheat oven to 325F. Lay squares of tofu into a pyrex baking dish. Whisk remaining tofu ingredients until combined and drizzle over tofu. Flip tofu to cover in marinade. Bake tofu for 20 minutes. Remove tofu from oven and flip tofu squares. Bake for another 20min.
Remove tofu from oven and cut each square into 4 batons.

Tofu Maki Roll Additions
1 large carrot, peeled and julienned
1 avocado, pit and shell removed and cut into 1cm slices
1 small beet, peeled and julienned
2 stalks celery, julienned
3 stalks green onions, julienned
1 cup snap peas, julienned
1 small yellow zucchini, julienned
10 nori sheets

To serve
Pickled Ginger

To assemble
Have a small bowl of water on hand, a cutting board and a very sharp knife.
Place a sheet of nori, shiny side down, on a cutting board and sprinkle with a bit of water (just flicked off your fingers).
Place about 1/4-1/3 cup cooked sushi rice on the lower third of the nori (it should be about 1cm thick). Flatten so it evenly covers the nori sheet.
Layer ingredients of choice in the middle of the flattened sushi rice portion of your nori.
Sprinkle again with water.
Starting from the bottom, tightly begin rolling up nori sheet.
When you reach the portion of nori where no rice remains, spread a little bit of water onto the nori with a wet finger.
Set aside until all rolls are finished. (Note: you can wrap each roll, uncut, with saran wrap and refrigerate until ready to serve to ensure freshness for up to 3 days).
Cut each roll into 8 pieces and serve with pickled ginger, wasabi and tamari if desired.