Today is Eat What You Want day and yes it is a day.
(who is in charge of making these days official anyway? yes, I want in)
And I am wary of days like this as well as 'cheat' days or any title you give yourself for a break in your 'diet'. In my experience and in some books I've read (notably by Melissa Hartwig and David Perlmutter) it can be easy for a 'cheat day' to become cheat month or year. Our psychology and food are incredibly intertwined. Our digestive system (or gutty-works as I like to call it) acts like a second brain and neurologists and nutritionists are only now starting to scratch the surface on how food and mood are connected.
Now, I'm not here to be a downer or kale on your parade because you're an adult (or a teenager with great taste in food blogs!) and you can make the decisions you want. BUT if you're interested here are my 4 favourite ways to WRAP!
And no, not rap, although I do like to do that once in a while...
Sometimes I Boston bib lettuce wrap, but that's just too easy..
4 Ways to Wrap
Don't waste your money on stale cardboard-tasting gluten free wraps. Check out these simple pantry or fridge staples that you can stuff with salad or leftover protein in a flash! I do find that warm or saucy foods don't do SUPER well but I could always be proven wrong! Although, I do like the occasional romaine lettuce leaf burger bun..
1. Rice or Tapioca Paper
Pros: Flexible if you don't over soak them and thin and it lends itself well to fresh vibrant veggies, meats and fish. Think Vietnamese Salad Rolls.
Cons: The rice paper gets really hard the following day unless you wrap them individually in plastic wrap. However, the shelf life is only extended an extra day.
2. Collards
Pros: These big leafy greens are super sturdy and quite neutral in taste compared to kale or chard. You can also blanch them if they are a bit too tough for you to chew through.
Cons: A bit of prep is required to trim the rib down to the thickness of the leaf. Make a few and store them in a tupperware and use them during the week!
3. Nori Seaweed
Pros: Nori is not just for sushi! You can fill two sheets that slightly overlap with quite a bit of filling! Depending on the fridge-life of your fillings, they can be pre-wrapped and left in the fridge for 2-3 days. Seaweed is full of protein and essential minerals and B vitamins.
Cons: They can also get a bit dry if you don't wrap them individually in plastic wrap.
4. Cold Cuts
Pros: Use your typical filling as the wrap! Surprisingly easy to eat too. Check out NomNomPaleo's instructions here!
Cons: Ok, I know the idea is a little gnarly but hear me out on this one! It's so good.
Let me know in the comments below if I've missed your favourite.