Tune Up Kitchari & DIY Chai Tea

September is in full swing and it can definitely feel a bit jarring.
Whether or not you have children or were on vacation for the last little bit, there can still be some adjustment. You and/or the people around you ramp up for another season packed full of holiday season prep, new adventures and education. It's wise to give yourself some TLC and grounding even if you feel like you don't have time.

Parsnip Poutine and Cranberry Ketchup

Parsnip Poutine and Cranberry Ketchup

Eva Bee's Jamboree was a seasonal YouTube cooking series I created with my partner and some amaaaazing volunteers. During each episode I cooked with and interviewed my favourite Ottawa musicians.

Amos the Transparent stopped by my kitchen to cook this unique take on the classic poutine. Check out the video and recipe below! There sure were a lot of antics..

Port Cranberry Sauce

Port Cranberry Sauce

No need to stress about the impending holiday season, it is normal to want to sleep longer as the nights get longer so we just need to listen to our bodies and find a balance (easier said than done). I am surprised, however, that I'm getting more into eating seasonally this fall. I've been making cranberry sauce non stop so I'm really excited to share this recipe with you!