Ottawa Folk Fest 2014 / Food Trucks & Craft Beer

Two of the biggest food trends over the past couple of years have been the emergence of an eclectic Food Truck scene and small independent breweries popping up everywhere! Both were highlights at this year's Ottawa Folk Fest. Not only because it was the best selection of food and beverage at the festival, but they were also amongst the free stages and family activities. A stark contrast to Bluesfest was how inclusive of independent Ottawa businesses there were. I remember interviewing festival goers at both festivals and their response to how much better the beer and food was at Folkfest was apparent. They loved it!

T'was an awfully chilly weekend for the festival so some warmth was indulged! However, the last day of the festival was gorgeous.. and that's when I decided to dig in to what the food trucks had to offer!

Paid entrance food vendors. Muddy days in Ottawa.
Paid entrance food vendors. Muddy days in Ottawa.
What food truck does Eva Bee want. Not many gluten free options...
What food truck does Eva Bee want. Not many gluten free options...
Urban Cowboy was mega popular!
Urban Cowboy was mega popular!
Everyone Had Tacos
Everyone Had Tacos
From Streat Ottawa
From Streat Ottawa

I wanted to try something that had more local ingredients but few were gluten-free so I had the Dragon Bowl from Angry Drangonz.

So yummy. Dragon BOWWWL
So yummy. Dragon BOWWWL
3 skewers of deliciousness! So many flavours. Hit the spot on a lovely day. Great mix of grilled and fresh and nourishing.
3 skewers of deliciousness! So many flavours. Hit the spot on a lovely day. Great mix of grilled and fresh and nourishing.

Basically.. they filled the bottom with plain sticky rice, topped that with a raw asian slaw of shredded cabbage, fish roe and green onions topped with three different meat skewers generously seasoned with cumin and other spices. On top of that, a delicious mayo, shredded lettuce, cilantro and sesame seeds. Bravo!

(I want one now just typing this out..)

Oh, RIGHT the music!!

Many people checked out international acts such as Lorde, Foster the People, The Wiggles???, Foster the People and, of course, Neutral Milk Hotel.

Amongst the locals were Cardboard Crowns. Ska in the sun. Hilarious fans. Good times.

All in all it was a wonderful festival that shows off the vibrancy of our food and music scene. Props to the organizers for encouraging free cultural events! And it's just getting better...